Did you know that puppies poop at least 27 times per day?*

What if there was an easier way to clean up that adorable fuzzbucket's mess?

*Verified. I've got 3 Goldendoodles.

Hi! I'm Jeff Harvey.

I'm the founder and CDO (Chief Diaper Officer) at Dogs With Diapers.

How did DWD start? Well, I'm an adventure racer and when you're dangling 200 feet off an ice cliff and you need to go boom-boom, you don't have a lot of options. So I started wearing diapers to save time, plus it makes it easier to pack out.

One day on a training run with my dog Harvadocius, he had to stop to poo. I thought, "If diapers work for me, why not little Harvman?" So I began working on a custom design to fit dog derrieres.

Dog Swaddling! Now Available!

I've just returned from the Ukraine where I received my certification in European dog swaddling.

I'm so excited to offer this service to my clients that prefer to carry their dogs, as opposed to letting them walk on all fours as God intended them to.

Prices start at $300

Your First Choice for Doggie Diapers.

We have a special on right now. You can order a 6 month supply of Jeff Harvey's Dogs With Diapers for your dog for only $599.

Coming soon - custom print diapers!


Many people ask if our diapers are safe for their dog.

I've done extensive research in my backyard and found that our diapers are completely safe. Other than a nasty note from my garbage collector about not bagging the diapers, and a warning from my HOA about the smell, we've had no issues with the safety of putting diapers on Harvadocius.

I guarantee that your dog will love them. WARNING: Our diapers have not been tested on cats, so use at your own risk.

Thanks Mr. Harvey!

I love helping my parents around the house and your dog diapers make it easy for me to take care of my dog. You are so smart. We use the 6-8 pound diaper and that is about all it can hold, 9 or 10 pounds is too much. Rover is so happy when I change him!


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